Performances 2022

Performances 2022

Panel discussions
What’s Done / Undone

Choreographic Convention
© Ruth Wenner

The urgency of the climate crisis not only demands political action but a concerted rethinking of every facet of society. What’s Done / Undone brings together artists and experts for three panel discussions: about the body both in its and as an environment, new artistic practices and ways of production as well as a different approach to our cohabitation on and with this planet.

11:00 Reception

11:30–13:00 Places of Desire with Anna Biczók, Anne Juren and Perel

13:30–15:00 Burning Down the House with Claudia Bosse, Tobias Herzberg, Gyula Cserepes, Lisa Hinterreithner and Frank Willens

16:00–17:30 Crisis and Cohabitation with Lilla Bartuszek, Katalin Erdödi, Orsolya Mátyus, Florian Schlederer, Rita Süveges & Anna Zilahi (xtro realm)

Places of Desire

The apparent impossibility of understanding another person’s pain, their aches, their way of physically moving through this world, while, at the same time, being so profoundly bound to our own body and health, upholds the ideological walls that keep us separated in all aspects of life. With an emphasis on the body in its and as an environment, Places of Desire seeks to find ways of bridging this impossible gap by garnering a deeper understanding of one’s own body, as well as developing continuous practices of solidarity with bodies that stand apart. The panelists share their artistic practices, their knowledge and approaches regarding matters of care and, in doing so, ask: Are we not more than a single body at a time? And: What bodies are we imagining?

With Anna Biczók, Anne Juren and Perel (choreographers, performers and practitioners)
Moderated by Elias Fromm and Annika Wegner

Burning Down the House

In a time when the cultural sector, like every other, needs to urgently re-evaluate its impact on the environment, the long-term indispensability of structural measures, both in terms of local infrastructure and mobility, is difficult to argue against. The panelists of Burning Down the House will discuss how these measures can be implemented without losing sight of the people involved, without hurting independent artists whose lives and careers are bound to their ability to travel affordably and frequently. And: In what ways is this necessary shift towards new methods of production reflected in the art form itself – what new aesthetics and artistic practices which shape and challenge our imagination, our world-making are going to emerge?

With Claudia Bosse (dancer, perfomer and choreographer), Gyula Cserepes (dancer, performer and choreographer), Tobias Herzberg (dramaturge and designated co-director of Schauspielhaus Wien), Lisa Hinterreithner (choreographer and perfomer) and Frank Willens (choreographer and performer)

Crisis and Cohabitation

What does it mean to cultivate a space? Between our disintegrating ecosystems, more people forcibly displaced than at any other point in history, and large portions of societal communication and encounter relocated into digital environments, the question of what and who makes a space, a room, a piece of land, a city both becomes increasingly fragmented and complex and, in recognizing it as the age-old, fundamental conflict of life on this planet, gains a strange simplicity. Crisis and Cohabitation asks the question once again, discussing new methods and challenges of participating in the making of a city as well as blurring the lines between the local and the global, both in the arts and in politics.

With Lilla Bartuszek (lawyer and founder of Sustainable Cities project, CEO of Center of Sustainable Communities), Orsolya Mátyus (architect and founder of WeCare architecture), Florian Schlederer (author, climate activist and curator of Museums for Future), Rita Süveges & Anna Zilahi (xtro realm) (artists and researchers)
Moderated by Katalin Erdödi (curator, dramaturge and author)


Admission free
10.7.2022, 11:00
MQ – Libelle
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