Research 2022

Research 2022

© Christina Gangos

Michael Kliën
Speculative Choreographies: Recursive Ethics and Politics

© Christina Gangos
Field Project
Volksoper Probebühne 1

“The Earth is rioting against our world.” – Bifo Berardi

Based on Kliën’s recent Social Choreographic works Amendment and 11th Organ*, the Field Project manifests an expanded choreographic process to fundamentally affect our ways of perceiving and moving.

In times of a burning world, the process seeks to reform our relationship to “the other”. The laboratory will provide us with extraordinary movement experiences to temporarily transcend the human/human, human/non-human divide into a relationship of reciprocal belonging.

Starting every morning with Social Dreaming, an established (psychodynamic) relational practice developed at the legendary Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in the 1980s, we will weave a matrix of metaphors to induce a dancing state in our collective unconscious. Simultaneously, we cultivate a series of movement situations to manifest shared and expanded realities. We will grow, test, and rehearse choreographic propositions to transcend entrenched cultural norms of moving. This lab aims to co-create speculative, nevertheless real, relational futures for participants to temporarily inhabit.

The entire process is infused with critical dialogue, guest lectures, individual experiences, and feedback to support a multitude of perspectives while providing an in-depth socio-political context for the unfolding work.

The Field Project will allow for outside observations and participation.

*11th Organ is an initiative of the Laboratory of Social Choreography at Duke University. As a “beautiful riot of the imaginations”, it offers to re-envision society upon an embodied, aesthetic base.

Michael Kliën
© Christina Gangos
© Christina Gangos
© ImPulsTanz - All rights reserved
Date: 19.04.2024, 01:30 | Link: