toxic dreams & WTKB (AT)

The Deadpan Dynamites – The Art of the Gag

Like other people of their age, these two men have become neither younger nor leaner nor more talented with increasing maturity. They have reached an age in which the lords of creation often want to prove that they’ve still got it. Roland Rauschmeier and Yosi Wanunu present a touching take on this type, miming two overly mature individuals who want to prove themselves as comedians. To this end, they have selected gags which were, of all things, actually intended for fit, young comedians. And so the fate of these “Deadpan Dynamites” takes its course. They eagerly plunge themselves into irresolvable inconsistencies and re-enact proper side-splitters, for example from the heyday of Hollywood slapstick. The tasks they have set for themselves become increasingly more outrageous, more dangerous and more arduous. Sheer madness!

Duration: 60 min

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Date: 26.04.2024, 21:18 | Link: