Workshops 2015

Workshops 2015

Kenji Takagi
Free Dance Technique

Week 2, 27.7.–31.7.2015
Arsenal 2

Free Dance Technique

Experimentation & Joy of Movement

In this workshop Kenji Takagi follows Rudolf von Laban's idea of the development of a "free dance technique" that is in the first place not connected to a certain dance style, but has the task of delivering a focused practice in universal principles that are essential to human movement in general and to dance movement in particular. The participants are invited to develop a spirit of experimentation and to discover different aspects of time, space, energy and flow with their body. The class starts with a warm-up in the centre, followed by elementary to more complex exercises across the space, possibly including short improvisational or compositional tasks. The goal is to feel the joy of movement and to get acquainted with basic principles of modern and contemporary dance technique.

Kenji Takagi

MORE OF Kenji Takagi

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Date: 06.05.2024, 22:54 | Link: https://www.impulstanz.com/en/workshops/id2900/