Workshops 2018

Workshops 2018

© Lyina Adieux

Alix Eynaudi & Fritz Ostermayer
Dancing On The Table In Dialogue

© Lyina Adieux
Week 2, 23.7.–27.7.2018
Arsenal 4

Dancing On The Table In Dialogue

The friends and enemies of the disinhibition-repression present: the table of the repressed.

The pure reason never dances on the table, so we send her to hell! Shame is too embarrassed to jump on the table, so we ditch her as well. Furthermore we chase away: self-censorship, egomania and self-optimisation. Because all of this stands in the way of our goal: "the joyful economy of extravagance"!
Let’s create dialogues of the highest emotionality and innermost relinquishing. Let’s look for the humour of desperation and the dignity of the ridiculous. Let’s get lost in the unsaid while talking and what we scarcely dare to think. If we run out of words we just help ourselves by taking our instruments. And if you think you have said it all, then jump on the table and dance!
We won't rest until the table crashes underneath our high spirits! Should we only have become wiser at the end then something must have gone terribly wrong.
Don't forget to bring love!

Alix EynaudiFritz Ostermayer
© Nicolas Provost
© ImPulsTanz - All rights reserved
Date: 26.04.2024, 16:38 | Link: https://www.impulstanz.com/en/workshops/id3749/