Workshops 2019

Workshops 2019

Kenji Takagi
Find The Gap

Intensive 1, 20.7.+21.7.2019
12:10–14:40 + 17:30–20:00
Arsenal A

Find the Gap

Spontaneity in movement

Either in improvisation or in choreographed dance, don’t we wish that the dancer as well as the spectator are witnessing something that feels new, like happening for the first time right now and here, something we share by being present together in the same moment? How can we stay spontaneous, each time we execute a movement or a piece of dance? Can we plan that? Or should we avoid planning altogether? How can we create a gap between routine and the present moment? In this workshop I would like to explore such questions by proposing tasks and experiments that provoke surprises and create playful and interactive settings that increase the chance of unpredictability. Improvisation and composition are both used to warm up as well as to invite technical and artistic research.

Kenji Takagi

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Date: 04.05.2024, 14:45 | Link: https://www.impulstanz.com/en/workshops/id3899/