Workshops 2015

Workshops 2015

Alice Chauchat
Confusing Agency

© Yves Mettler
Week 4, 10.8.–14.8.2015
Arsenal C

Confusing Agency

During this class we will practice some scores for dancing together. Strategies or goals for these scores include: bypassing negotiation in favour of acknowledging alterity as a given of the situation; locating a sense of "self" within a narrative that makes it less central to the dance (luring it somewhere rather than allowing it to overpower the situation); approaching empathy as a technical issue that demands tools and practice; using fiction ("as if") in order to release unnecessary tensions connected to the task of achieving difficult or vague goals. We will train approximate unisons, followship, telepathic collaboration and other forms of companionship between ourselves, our dances, our sensations, our thoughts etc., in order to gain mobility in our understanding of agency in a dance situation. Another technical focus will be on releasing our wish for verification, which might allow for a greater, more generous commitment to otherness.

Alice Chauchat
© Yves Mettler
© Dieter Hartwig
© Alice Chauchat
© ImPulsTanz - All rights reserved
Date: 01.05.2024, 00:48 | Link: https://www.impulstanz.com/en/workshops/pid2809/