Workshops 2022

Workshops 2022

© Robbie Sweeny

Jassem Hindi
The Concept and the Idiot

© Robbie Sweeny
Intensive 2, 23.7.+24.7.2022
12:10–14:40 + 17:30–20:00
Arsenal B

This philosophy workshop unfolds possible ways to navigate in the nervous sea of concepts, while holding on to our own idiocy. It is an introduction to theory as the art of asking questions and holding on to them. It is an oral, collective adventure. The horizon of this workshop is the relation between “body”, “concept” and “the great outdoors”. This relation rests against a western history of knowledge haunted by its history of violence.

It is an introduction to a theory-based practice, and a critical exposition of questions that intersect philosophy and discourses found in radical politics and contemporary time-based art.

  • Here are a few companions on our way:
  • Language, death, and hospitality: what is a milieu? What is embedded art?
  • Betraying utopia, slime utopia: poems as oracle making machine, time and survival
  • History of witches: shadow operations and embodied archives
  • Friendship, hauntology, politics, science fiction: philosophy and the great outdoors
  • The Greek art of asking questions

You don’t need to know anything about philosophy. I will share my practice with you, we will read some texts together, and you can ask as many questions as you please. This is also a workshop for people who are interested in how to transmit and share a theory-based practice.

Some references – no need to read it beforehand!
Kristeva / Lacan / Glissant / Merleau-Ponty / Mbembé / Naess / Simondon / Jameson / Cavaillès / Derrida / Frederici / Mohaghegh / Platon / Fanon / Negarestani / CA Conrad / Laboria Cuboniks / Koyré / Malabou

Bring some pens and paper if you wish, and some idiotic ideas.

Jassem Hindi
© Emilia Milewska
© Emilia Milewska
© ImPulsTanz - All rights reserved
Date: 16.04.2024, 21:57 | Link: