Workshops 2007

Workshops 2007

© Karolina Miernik

Movement Flush

© Karolina Miernik
Week 4, 6.8.–10.8.2007
Movement Flush - Improvisation for Performers our “personal space” as a movement generator In this class the performer mainly researches his/her movement capabilities. A performer should be always ready to keep extending his/her range of movement avoiding to become his/her own stereotype. In that perspective a series of techniques will be offered as a warm-up which can be applied in the improvisation mode later in class. We will focus on a simple tool differentiating between the space within the reach of our body and the more general space surrounding it. The space within our reach, our “personal space” or kinesphere, is like a bubble around us. With the help of a hand-size ball we are able to stretch out into all directions in this bubble while being in its centre. This means if we move to another part of the room our kinesphere will move with us. This tool makes the hands initiate movement with the body rolling on the floor, the ball rolling around the body or throwing it, turning, falling and catching. The ball will be lying lightly in one or two hands, fingers relaxed. This process is supporting movement impulses flushing from sitting, standing and walking. Movements will appear in spirals down and through the body. After a while the performer is requested to let go off the ball, let the body and its memory take over and the mind dig into its fantasy world.
Ismael Ivo †Franca Pagliassotto
© Regina Brocke
© Silvia Lelli
© ImPulsTanz - All rights reserved
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