Performances 2008

Performances 2008

"Nottthing Is Importanttt" © David Bergé

DD Dorvillier (USA)
Nottthing Is Importanttt

"Nottthing Is Importanttt" © David Bergé
"Nottthing Is Importanttt" Diese Folge dreier Abschnitte - neun Körper, ein Film, eine Soundinstallation der amerikanischen Choreografin DD Dorvillier in Zusammenarbeit mit der Multi-Instrumentalistin Zeena Parkins und dem Lichtdesigner Thomas Dunn – hinterfragt die Wertigkeit des Sichtbaren und der scheinbaren Interpretation. "When we performed the European Premiere of Nottthing Is Importanttt at ImPulsTanz, in August 2008 the piece involved a non-narrative movie featuring two familiar but unrelated icons of American folklore. Just before the movie, a stream of actions was performed by a group of nine intensely focused dancers. The movie's soundscore fractured and connected the space between looking and listening. When the movie was over, we brought the audience into a new environment, where the performers continued their tasks in darkness, and the sounds shifted from being the element in between, to being space itself, and the architecture and everything it contained." (DD Dorvillier from Chiappas, Mexico 5 October, 2009)
5.8.2008, 20:30
Kasino am Schwarzenbergplatz
6.8.2008, 20:30
Kasino am Schwarzenbergplatz
7.8.2008, 20:30
Kasino am Schwarzenbergplatz
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