Workshops 2017

Workshops 2017

© Sonja Browne

Sonja Browne & Inge Kaindlstorfer
Diversions - Inklusiver Tanz & Improvisation

© Sonja Browne
Week 3, 31.7.–4.8.2017
Arsenal E

Diversions - Inklusiver Tanz & Improvisation

The stage is set!

Departing from the diversity of the participants Diversions is an insight into a basic training for contemporary dance and improvisation.
In the first part of our daily gathering, we find a common pool of movements that will serve as our vocabulary. In our diversity, we place differing body characters – the mutual in this is our structure and starting point for building up small studies and combinations. Each participant is simultaneously the author and the performer of the dance (see collective authorship below).
Afterwards, we expand our view: space, time and workshop colleagues are inspiration and partners for the improvisation, whereby primarily it is our diversity, that provides the necessary friction to experience exciting moments in the dance.
Part 3 of each workshop day is an open improvisation. We define stage and audience and invite to make appearances and leavings: time to freely try out on "stage", what has impressed us during the day.

Collective authorship is the theme of the tanzMonatge's piece "YOUR JUMBO LOGISTICS", which will be premiered in summer 2017.

Sonja BrowneInge Kaindlstorfer

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Date: 26.04.2024, 06:54 | Link: https://www.impulstanz.com/en/workshops/id3393/